Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time Outs

We have been working on disciplining Andrew with time outs. Sometimes, when he doesn't play nicely with his toys (like throwing his trains on the ground), I put them in time out. And of course, when things are more severe like pulling people's hair, Andrew is put into time out. Of course, Andrew will try to get up or play with something while there, but he is learning. Like I mentioned before, I don't think he understands fully what is going on, but will be somewhat obedient in sitting down until I say he can get up. But the more, he goes into time outs, he is understanding what he is supposed to do. I just have to tell him to sit down and he will. If he tries to get up, I tell him to sit down and usually he will go right back down. Then, when time is up (I try to do a minute and a half), he has to sign sorry and give me hugs.

But there was a new twist to time outs tonight. He bit my side (I think his teeth are bothering him a lot); and I said "no biting" in a harsh tone as a warning. All of a sudden, without any direction from us, he walks over to his time out spot by the gate and sits down. James and I just looked at one another. We couldn't believe our eyes. Did our son really just put himself in time out!!?? We had to keep from laughing out loud!

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