Friday, September 18, 2009

The Mahers

Daddy met Uncle Brian when Daddy accepted the coaching and teaching job at Marshall High School in San Antonio back in 2002. Brian was the head soccer coach, an assistant coach on the football team, and a fellow history teacher. It was near impossible that they wouldn't be spending a lot of time together. But thankfully, they totally hit it off right from the start as did his wife, Aunt Sally, and me. So, the four of us spent quite a bit of time together from games to dinners to just hanging out. They are such an amazing couple; and we love them dearly. Well, they still live in San Antonio with their two sons, Chance (age 4) and Brandon (age 2). We try to see them when we can, but it is never as much as we would like. As it turned out, Brandon had an appointment with a doctor here in Houston, so the Mahers were going to come for a visit!!

They arrived late Thursday night after Andrew went to sleep. We hung out and caught up a bit and played with Chance and Brandon. Then, it was quite late so we all went to bed to get some rest.

We all woke up early Friday morning (well, Andrew and I slept in a bit). Daddy headed to work while Brian, Sally, and I got ourselves and the boys ready. Brian, Sally, and Brandon headed out for their 9am appointment; and Chance, Andrew, and I headed for the zoo.

I bought the wagon for the boys; and they both sat great for the entire zoo. They were able to get out when they wanted/needed in order to see the animals and were great about getting back in. Chance was so sweet and so well behaved. I think Andrew took his lead and followed suit. I asked Chance if he liked the carousel to which he replied "yes." So, I took the boys for a ride--of course, Andrew opted to sit on the bench while Chance chose the zebra. After the zoo, I took the boys for a ride on the train. Again, both boys behaved very well and sat nicely on the train. Then, we headed to McDonald's for Happy Meals and then to the house to wait for Brian, Sally, and Brandon. Chance and Andrew ate and played very well together while we waited.

For lunch, since Brian, Sally, and Brandon were already down in the Medical Center, we met them at Joe's Crab Shack (and also because they have a playground). Daddy was able to meet us for lunch too (hooray!) After Andrew ate a little bit of food, he fell asleep in my lap (it was way past his nap time). Poor thing woke up like 20 minutes later and was so distraught to find out that Daddy wasn't there anymore and had headed back to work.

Initially, the plans were that we would eat dinner in Houston and then head to San Antonio afterwards. But since Chance and Brandon hadn't taken their naps yet and Brian had to work in the morning, the Mahers decided that they would head out of town after lunch to beat the traffic and get home early. This way, the boys could sleep in the car and Brian could get back home and rest before a long day at work on Saturday.

I have to say that I was very proud of Andrew. He played so nicely with Chance sharing his toys. He even gave Chance a hug when they left. And he was really sweet with Brandon. I was kind of scared that he would pull his hair or hit him, but Andrew was very gentle. Even when Brandon touched Andrew's face, Andrew didn't retaliate in any way!

It was a short, but great trip. It was so nice getting to hang out with the Mahers again. It was like old times (that it was so fun), but so different (that we had kids). Brandon is to have a follow up appointment in a few months, so luckily for us, that means the Mahers will be back to visit. Can't wait!

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