Monday, September 14, 2009

The Noble Duke of York

One of the things we do in Gymboree is we act out the song The Noble Duke of York while the kids on the laps of the adults and we bounced them up and down to the song. Andrew loves this part among other things like bubble time and parachute time.

We have a different version of the song on the iPod (called The Grand Ole Duke of York) with some different words, but close enough for Andrew. Before when it used to come on, he would sit on my lap or Daddy's and we would act it out just like in Gymboree. But one day, Daddy changed it up and put a stuffed animal on Andrew's legs and let Andrew try to act it out. He doesn't quite do it right, but it's good enough (and way cute enough) for Mommy!!

In the first video, he doesn't bounce the stuffed dog with his knees, but his hands. Then, in the second clip, he gets the monkey to join in on the fun and after he laughs, he moves his legs down right along with the song.

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