Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our Big Boy

Since the surgery, we have noticed that Andrew had been sleeping better. Less snoring and even slept through the nights a few nights (we gave it two weeks since the ENT said he would still be congested from the procedure). Then, it went back to pre-surgery status...waking up at some point during the night and coming into our room. Now, we weren't too concerned because he was sick and/or teething; and it's understandable that he would wake up and want comforting. And since his birthday, he has had a cold (and managed to get Mommy sick too) and has been sleeping even worse. But I think he's on the mend for the most part. Anyhow, you can imagine our surprise when our big boy slept through the night last night. Mommy woke up at least twice wondering when Andrew was going to come to our room. We had been telling him that he needs to sleep in HIS bed in HIS room ALL night long, but wasn't sure if it was going to stick. So, anyways, we let him pick out a train in his stash of unopened ones...the recycling cars, which he happily played with today since we spent most of the day inside because Mommy was feeling so yucky and not wanting to go out.

Then, after we got home from dinner and the grocery store, we were taking Andrew up for his bath. Daddy asked Mommy to get it started because he had to go to the bathroom. Mommy said she had to go pee pee too and then would tend to Andrew. Then, Andrew says "pee pee" to which I ask if he wanted to go pee pee in the potty to which Andrew replies "yeah". Now, for a few nights now before bath, we have put Andrew on the toilet and let him "try" to go pee. Sometimes, he will say he needs to go pee pee. Other times, he says he doesn't. But whatever the case, nothing ever comes out. But our thought is to let him sit on it for a few minutes to get him used to the idea.

So, tonight when my big boy actually peed in the potty, I was shocked!! I cheered for him and gave him knuckles trying to make a big ordeal of it, but he was more interested in getting in the tub to play. But we let him pick out yet another train since we promised him one too if he went pee pee in the potty. Hopefully, we are getting closer to a potty trained boy. I am not too concerned because I know he will do it when he's ready, but am glad he's getting comfortable with the idea.

I am just so very proud of my big boy!!! Way to go, Andrew!! Here he is playing with his new trains from today.

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