Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gareth's 2nd Birthday Party

Today, we were invited to the 2nd birthday party of one of Andrew's little buddies, Gareth. And sure enough, the rascal took a late nap making us late for the party. It was totally cute because when the boys saw each other, they immediately hugged one another. It was so sweet!! And we had just arrived when they were about to start the pinata. Andrew didn't care to swing at it, but really enjoyed picking up the candy. He's getting much better about grabbing treats and putting it in his treat bag.

Then, we had cake and ice cream, of course which Andrew was happy to partake in. Andrew was really cute with some of the little babies that were there. He wanted to pat pat them and hug them. Afterwards, he and some of the other kids played some more and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Then, it was time for Gareth to open his presents. The kids played with all of Gareth's new toys. Andrew did try to swipe a few times, but thankfully, he didn't get too aggressive. By then, it was getting late; and the party was winding down. So, we headed back home to go see Daddy, who had stayed home to get some studying in.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Gareth!! We loved celebrating your big day with you! We had a great time at your party! Thanks for inviting us!

1 comment:

maybe said...

like ur writing's the real deal. just keep on writing...