Thursday, March 18, 2010

Barnes & Noble Story Time

We have been going to the Barnes & Noble story time for a good while now. Andrew has a few buddies that will show up too, which is really nice. And Andrew loves the Thomas train table they have there in the Children's area and we spend a lot of time playing there.

Andrew has never been one to sit down and listen to the story every time all the time. More often, he will listen for a little bit and then want to read other books or go play with the train table. But never will he sit by himself with the other kids. I have to be very close by! Until today, that is.

Andrew actually went to sit up with his buddy, Gavin...not just sitting without me right by his side, but up on the little stage!! I was so proud of him and his newfound independence. I know this is wholly attributable to Gavin as Andrew was just following his lead, but am glad to see that Andrew will leave me even for a little bit!! I know I sometimes joke about Andrew needing to cut the cord and stop being so clingy, but at times, I do want him to be more independent. But then again, I know one day that I will be sad that Andrew is too independent and doesn't need his Mommy anymore. I know when that day comes, my heart will break.

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