Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Memorial Park Pool

So, we tried out the Memorial Park pool this evening. It's a public pool via the City of Houston. It was kind of packed, but it was big enough that it wasn't too cramped. Andrew didn't cry when he first got in the water and played and even smiled a bit. But I think part of the laughter was due to the water slide that was there. So, we asked him if he wanted to go on it. He pointed at it so we took that as a yes. He went on it twice and didn't cry, but it wasn't like he was signing for more either. We didn't stay too long as it was getting hear bath and bed time. But we will definitely go back in our plan to get Andrew to like the pool more. So far, it seems to be working as he is getting better each time we go.

When we got home tonight and took him a tub, Andrew still loved playing in the water. We are the ones who typically have to ask him to get out versus him telling us he is all done. Next time, we will bring some of his tubby toys like we first did before we got him designated pool toys and maybe that will help too.

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