Friday, July 10, 2009

More Max, Museum, and Misconduct

This morning, we were able to spend some more time with Linda and Max. Linda and I decided to take the kids to the Children's Museum since Max hadn't been there in a while and we wanted to do something indoors. It turned out that Linda's car was being serviced so they were without a vehicle for the day so I said that we would come by and pick them up. Linda had texted me to say they were ready for us and we could come by and hang out before the museum if we wanted. We ate breakfast and were ready with ample time before the museum was open. So, we headed over to their house, which is not even five minutes away; thus, the boys played at the house until we decided to head down to the museum. Andrew enjoyed the whole new set of toys. The boys played well together at their house, but not without some competition of toys between the boys. But we managed to redirect them onto other toys for the most part.

At the museum, Andrew and Max played a bit together, then would go off in different directions, but then come back and play together. Then, the process be continued over and over again. One of the cutest moments was them playing on this gray apparatus where you can roll down balls or cars. Well, Max starts to climb up the thing, which I have never seen any kid do before! And then, Andrew decides to try to follow him. Monkey see, monkey do! It was hilarious!! Also, one of the pictures below is them in the truck together with another boy we don't know, but I love how they are squished in the seat together. The video is Andrew tidying up some blocks--I didn't ask him to do it either. But he has seen other kids doing it so that'w where he got the idea. He's getting better about cleaning up and putting things up lately. I hope it continues!

However, one of the low points of the play date was another case of misconduct when Andrew hit a little baby girl not even a year old right on the head for no apparent reason. The little girl didn't cry, but looked at me very confused. I was completely mortified!! I profusely apologized to both her and her mother. Thankfully, her mother was very gracious and accepted our apologies. She tried to comfort me by saying that her litle girl's big brother hits his little sister too.

So, once again, my son hits strangers when we are out and about. I don't know how to make him stop. I am beside myself right now. I hate it any time he hits anybody especially a little kid, but like I said before, I was mortified when he hit that little baby girl. He has hit boys and other girls before, but never one so young. He couldn't really have thought her to be a threat to him, could he?! So, I don't know what motive he could have to hit her--unless, he was "marking his territory". I really don't know. Most if not all of the moms say their kids have gone through this phase of hitting, biting, or pushing. And Andrew has been on the receiving end of some physical acts of aggression. But I don't know how to get through to him that he can't just go around hitting people when he wants to. Oh, why can't he learn already that this kind of behavior is unacceptable! I really hope it's sooner than later!

And then, what really makes me have to laugh is how sweet Andrew can be too. Sometimes, he will just come up to me or other people and just love on them with hugs and kisses and we haven't even asked for them. It makes my heart just melt. Well, Andrew did decide to show his sweet side (I guess to really keep Mommy baffled) when he climbed through a tunnel and a little girl was already in there. He is more than halfway through--way out of my arms' reach. I see him go right up next to the little girl. I just envision him head butting her, but nope, Andrew instead kisses her. An angel one minute; a devil the next!

Well, the boys started to get hungry so we decided to head home. Andrew and Max were totally into each other in the car making each other giggle. It was so adorable! I am glad they are really starting to play and interact together. At least the play date ended on a more positive note!

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