Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Greatest Show on Earth?

Tonight, we took Andrew to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus. We weren't too sure as to how Andrew would do with the circus. He likes animals, yes. But we were concerned about his ability to sit for two hours and the potentially loud noise.

Well, the circus started; and Andrew really was into it. There were times when he was signing for more--more elephants, more dogs, and more bikes. He was so fixated on the circus and everything that was going on. The look on his face was just precious. It melted my heart to see him like that.

But then, about 45 minutes into it, he started to cry. We have a few theories as to the change of heart: (1) the loud noise; (2) the pyrotenics; (3) overstimulation; or (4) fatigue. Daddy took Andrew out and then texted me asking me to come out as well. Andrew didn't want to go back in; and since it was close to intermission, we decided to hang out there and got him some ice cream. As the show started back up, we walked Andrew back to the curtain partition. The tigers were on the floor, but Andrew wagged his finger. We decided to call it quits and head home.

So, it may be called "The Greatest Show on Earth", but it was not so much so to Andrew. Thankfully, we didn't spend too much on tickets, but after the fees, taxes, surcharges, parking, etc., it adds up. But I will take with me and remember how he first reacted to the show. That was priceless and made my night.  And we still have the promise of next year's show.  

*Update: That night, Andrew woke up slightly feverish.  We don't know if he is teething or sick or maybe both.  So, that could have possibly attributed to him acting up at the circus too. 

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