Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Great Day

We decided to go down to League City for the day to spend some time with Ngoai since we weren't going to go down tomorrow since Daddy has the day off from work. Since she was working in the morning, I thought I would see if Jenny and her boys were busy. Luckily, they weren't; and we planned on going to a moonwalk place. Baby Riley went to Jenny's parents' house so it was just the four of us.

The place that Jenny normally goes had a group scheduled there at the time we showed up and weren't allowing the general public access in. So, we drove to another nearby place that had open play during this time. We first went into a bouncer, but it ended up being really dark inside and neither boy was enthused by it. So, we left it and headed for one with a slide. Andrew was okay, but wasn't too into it. We then went into another bouncer; Andrew wasn't too excited about this one either. He was clingy at the beginning, but after about five minutes of watching the other kids, he finally decided it was time to play. After that, he had a blast crawling and walking around--he even managed to dance a little! The boys were getting tired and were probably ready for their naps, so we headed to our respective homes.

When we got to Ngoai's house, Andrew got his second wind and played around with his toys for a little while. Then, he signed for milk and walked into Ngoai's room. I follow him. During naps, he normally sleeps on a makeshift bed of a blanket. So, he lays down on his bed and nurses until he falls asleep not even ten minutes later. If only every naptime was this easy!!

After his nap, he did a good job of eating chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and corn. Ngoai had to go back to work so Andrew and I went over to my Uncle 10's house to hang out with my cousins. Andrew was shy at first, but later got reacquainted and played with the cousins even dancing for them. After awhile, Andrew got tired again so I took him back to Ngoai's house and put him down for another nap. Mommy slept too! After he woke up, he was still a little tired and fussed for a bit. But like three minutes later, he was playing and in good spirits.

For dinner, Ngoai and I wanted to take Andrew to Texas Roadhouse thinking he would like the dinner rolls and cinnamon butter. Andrew proved us right. Andrew totally dug them. He must have eaten at least two of them. He also enjoyed dipping his bread into the butter. For our entree, I ordered us prime rib to see if he would eat it again. Sure enough, Andrew ate it very well again. Mommy might have to learn to make it at home! We also tried something new tonight. Since we were seated in a booth, I asked for a booster seat. Andrew sat it in nicely for a little bit, but later wanted out. So for the rest of the meal, he stood and ate. He did pace the booth some, but he allowed me to continue feeding him and was really good for the most part. As you can see from the pictures, he also thought it was fun to put the peanut container on his head (it was the empty one for the shells thankfully).

During the car ride home, he was still on his good behavoir and was quite giggly for some reason. He was making himself laugh; it was hilarious!! After we got home, we let Daddy eat while I gave Andrew his bath, where he was behaved there too.

Ever since HFMD, we have had a harder time of putting Andrew to sleep at night time. There was two or three nights where we allowed him to sleep with us in our bed the entire night. So, of course, Andrew must think that we should let him sleep there all the time. A few times, he will point to his crib and lay down quietly like before, but then start crying. It will take him a few minutes to calm down and lay down before falling asleep. But the last few nights, he has gotten better. Tonight, after I took him up and he nursed for a bit, he signed for drink. I guessed that he might be wanting his chocolate PediaSure/milk concoction. So, we go get it from downstairs. He drinks some and then goes back to nursing and then drinks some and then goes back to nursing. I then ask him if he is ready to lay down in his crib. He then wags his finger and points to our bedroom. I explain to him that he needs to sleep in his crib and carry him there. I lay him down; and he proceeds to do his normal get comfortable and get sleepy routine. Sure enough, he falls asleep in around ten minutes.

As I watched him fall asleep, I thought to myself that he was really good today. He is normally very good, but today, I think he was better than the norm. I was so very impressed. I know how lucky we really are to have such a good kid. He definitely has his bad moments, but what kid doesn't? But for most of the time, he is a joy and doesn't give his parents too hard of a time. Then again, I am thinking as I type this that tomorrow, he might be the total opposite seeing how Daddy has the day off just to keep us on our toes and prove Mommy wrong. But for now, Mommy is going to think positive and revel in the great day she had with her amazing son.

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