Thursday, July 16, 2009

Stetsons Round Two

Well, we had made plans to meet up for Round Two with the Stetsons at the Children's Museum after the kids' afternoon naps. But tonight, the museum was free after 5pm; and it was totally packed! The line was out the door and around two blocks! We decided to forego the madhouse and headed to the zoo instead. It was cool because there weren't too many people, which was kind of nice. The kids had a great time. Sebastian and Sophia are just too cute speaking in Spanish telling me all the animals and doing their animal sounds. When I asked Sebastian what animal he wanted to see, he told me spiders (in Spanish) because he loves Spiderman. I didn't know where they were because I personally do not have the urge to see them! So, we had to ask one of the zookeepers. But after we finally found a tarantula, Sebastian was so excited!!

Andrew was very good at the zoo too. He got to see some new animals that he and I normally don't see. He seemed to like the sea lion a lot even though I confused him by telling him sea lion and he roared like a regular lion. ;)

We had an action packed day; and Andrew was well behaved for the most part. Mommy was very proud of her little social butterfly! I was exhausted by having two play dates, but it was so well worth it. We had such an awesome time spending it with our friends!

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