Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ohio Day 3

Sunday morning brought Emma’s ballet recital. Andrew took a quick nap on the car ride over, but awoke by all the hustle and bustle going on. It wasn't near long enough of a nap. He was doing fine for a while, but then got fussy just before the recital started. So, I took him out of the auditorium. He calmed down a bit, but was not totally complacent. Then, he started to point back to the auditorium and asked for Ngoai. So, I tried to retake my seat in between one of the performances. But once I sat down, he started crying again. So, out again we went. I knew Emma’s dance was the fifth performance and kept track in my head. Right before her routine begun, I walked back into the foyer of the auditorium and watched from afar. Andrew cooperated a bit allowing me to watch pretty much all of it thankfully.

After the recital, we headed to lunch at an Italian restaurant. This time, Andrew did much better. He sat in his high chair and ate very well even allowing Mommy to eat her lunch as well! A.J. ate lots of pizza, lasagna, bread, noodles, and parmesan cheese. It must be the Italian in him!

We didn’t have anything planned for the rest of the day, so we chilled at home and relaxed, including a long nap for Andrew and me. We also took another walk to the pond and playground with the kids including Brennan this time.

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