Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Busy Saturday

Our first stop today was Lowe's Build and Grow for the Shrek dragon clinic that Andrew had been excited about. And Lilian had never done one before so she liked it too.

Next, we went to Lakeshore Learning for their free craft project. I didn't really want to do both, but when I was asking the kids what they wanted to do this morning, they said they wanted to do both. And so I gave in. It's not like we didn't have much to do this morning anyhow. They both did a great job making their garden collages.

After, we drove over to the Galleria to take Lilian around the mall. We hit up the Little Galleria, Dylan's Candy Bar, and the Disney store. We were trying to buy time for James to get off work and meet us for lunch there, but the kids got hungry so we just ate in the courtyard and brought some CFA home for him. Then, we capped the evening off with a swim at Rice.

It was one busy Saturday, but lots of fun!

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