Saturday, October 24, 2009

UT vs. Missouri

After a last minute change to our plans, we decided to return back to Zoo Boo this morning since it was so nice outside and Andrew had a nice time last time (when we asked if he wanted to go to the zoo, he enthusiacally replied "yeah"). Mommy loves autumn and loves cool sunny days! It was lots more crowded today so we didn't stay too long. We saw all the usual suspects and went to pick out a pumpkin, which Andrew seemed to enjoy. He put one in his bucket and then tried to put another one in. He was so adorable sitting on a hay stack posing for pictures (too bad he didn't do that last week with Max). Oh well, Mommy will take what she can get. It was funny though because he seemed to like his tattoo from last week, but didn't want one when we got the booth. But I did ask the volunteer if I could take one home in case he was scared for whatever reason--sometimes I think he just gets shy around strangers.

After we left the zoo, Andrew said he wanted to ride the train. Since I have gone lots of times before, I opted to let just the boys go. Andrew was fine without Mommy while waiting for the train to depart, but then he saw me as they were pulling out of the station. And that's when he started to cry. But Daddy said he was okay right afterwards. Daddy did say that Andrew would only ask for me everytime they made a stop along the way. Too funny!

After our nap, we did a little shopping at Target for some bins to store away Andrew's clothes that he has outgrown and a few other needed and not-so-needed items. Of course, while we are there, we have to go to the toy section so Andrew can check out some of cars, trucks, Thomas trains, etc.

Then, we went home to watch the Longhorns play the Tigers. Andrew was good about playing while we watched the game and asked to watch a video on TV, but luckily was persuaded to watch it on Daddy's laptop instead. We did high fives when the Horns first scored; and Andrew did the one-arm touchdown sign! It was finally a good showing by Texas; and we are very happy about that! It was a great way to end a great day!

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