Friday, October 9, 2009

Day Out with Thomas

On Thursday night, we headed up to Austin for the weekend so we could take Andrew to the Day Out with Thomas in Burnet on Friday. We had been checking out the weather forecast the entire week leading up to it. So when we woke up Friday morning, it was no surprise that it dark, cold, and rainy outside. said it was going to clear up later in the morning so we decided to get ready and drive out there in hopes that the rain would clear by the time we got there in about forty minutes.

When we arrived and park, it was clearing up, but still a bit on the chilly side. As we walked to the entrance, I realized I left my cell phone in the car and went back to get it. When I caught up to Daddy and Andrew, James told me that a woman gave him two extra tickets to the 11am train ride. However, Uncle Steven, Aunt Belinda, and Evan were on their way up to Burnet; and Aunt Bee had purchased tickets to the 11:50am ride. Mommy really wanted to ride the train with them too, but knew that Steven and Belinda would understand. Daddy was sweet and said we could ride both. I mean we had already figured we would buy tickets to ride the train. Andrew would just get to ride it twice. So spoiled! ;) So, Daddy went back to the ticket counter and got our tickets in case it sold out like the 11am one did. So, we got in line to wait for the train and as it approached, the look on Andrew's face was amazing. I am bummed that I didn't have my camera out already! :( I have to say that Andrew did a great job of waiting in line. I was worried because he was really wanting to see more Thomas and get on the train.

Well, we got onto the train and found some seats; and it began to go. Andrew was so entralled! He looked out of the window, at the rest of the train, and at all the people on the train. It wasn't hard to tell that he was really digging it! He sat very well the entire time on Daddy's lap mainly looking out the window. As we were coming back to the "station," I received a text from Bee that they had arrived. It was perfect timing because as we pulled up, I spotted Steven and Evan nearing the line as Bee was getting their tickets. We got off the train and pretty much just got right back in line. Evan and Andrew hugged each other, but I think both boys were more interested in the Thomas! So, we got back on the train and the boys were so cute again. Both were just so into riding Thomas. We joked that the tickets were a little pricey at $18 each, but the looks on their faces are priceless. After the ride was over, we took some pictures and headed to one of the tents that had a magic show and live music. It was in break time, but some of the performers were still making balloon art. Both boys got airplanes, but Andrew really didn't like his very much. He was more interested in walking outside the tent and going to see Thomas again. But after we got the balloons, we got in line to take pictures with Thomas since the line had gotten shorter.

It was around lunch time and we decided to walk to Whataburger to eat. Andrew wasn't too interested in eating. He just kept saying "ma" for "mas" as in Thomas. He even walked towards the door a few times. He didn't understand when we told him that we were going to go back after he ate. But Evan was good and ate well. Since Andrew wasn't willing to eat much, we decided to head back and check out Imagination Station where they set up some train sets for the kids to play with. Andrew first was diverted by a petting zoo he spotted. He was really good about petting the animals nicely. Then, we headed back to Imagination Station. There was also a place for temporary tattoos, stamping, and coloring. Once Evan finished eating, they rejoined us there. Mom chose to put a tattoo on Andrew's face, but that was a mistake. Poor kid didn't know what was going on and then afterwards, he couldn't see it. I should have chosen his hand or arm (boo, bad decision, Mommy). I even tried to show Andrew his face and tattoo in the camera, but he was indifferent at that point. Andrew did do some good stamping though. He would just ink it and then pat it on the paper several times over and over again.

Next, we headed to the gift shop to see what they had. Daddy is more practical whereas Mommy is the bigger sucker at these things. I am like "he has to have a souvenir." But Mommy is somewhat practical about what she wanted to pick out. I didn't want anything that I could get for cheaper elsewhere or that I could get at the store. I also wanted something to signify the occasion. I ended up picking out a wooden train car commerorating Day Out with Thomas 2009. It wasn't too pricey. I also purchased two postcards for the scrapbook I am hoping to make for the boys.

Then, we headed to the place where they were hosting story time and videos. When we arrived, it was too early for story time so Andrew watched a few minutes of a video. Daddy had received a business call and stayed outside in order to talk in private. Once Andrew realized Daddy wasn't there inside, he wanted to go find him. Next, we went to take pictures with Sir Topham Hatt. I wasn't sure how Andrew would react to the guy in costume. But when we stood in line, he tried to sneak in between the temporary fence to go see him. When it was our turn, Drew even gave him knuckles and didn't cry a bit, but rather excited to see him.

Afterwards, we noticed Thomas was pulling back into the station so Mommy took a video and then we got back in line to take pictures with Thomas since it was so short. During our time taking pictures with Sir Topham Hatt and Thomas, Evan headed back to Imagination Station to play. We walked over there and Andrew played some more with the trains.

It was about time to head out since we had been there several hours and Andew was without nap. But first, the boys had fun taking more pictures in an area with a fake jail and saloon. But then they had a blast running around in a maze made with hay stacks. They were playing peek-a-boo and laughing hysterically.

Andrew fell asleep not even five minutes into the car ride and remained asleep after we got home. He ended up napping for like two hours! Andrew seemed to have a really good time. Maybe we will take him back another year, but probably when he is of age to remember it.

Later that evening, Aunt Amanda came over to hang out and visit. Andrew interacted so well with her. I think he remembered her from her visit to Houston this past summer. We all played trains; and she also helped during bath time. She is such a good aunt to him! Thanks so much for coming over and spending time with us!

I am including some of my favorites from today, but the rest of the pictures from our field trip can be found on shutterfly. Yes, I know it is a lot of pictures (more than anyone would probably want to look at besides me). Mommy did go crazy with her new camera. That is the one of the many things I love about my new SLR--it takes pictures so fast (gotta love that shutter speed). I took over three hundred pictures just from our Day Out with Thomas. But this wasn't totally unfounded...I have been told that when taking pictures of kids, just take a bunch and hope a few turn out good. I knoe I may have taken that advice to great magnitude. But I am still learning how to work my new camera, so I just wanted to take as many pictures as I could and hopefully, some would turn out okay. But there is so much to learn about SLRs and photography itself, it will definitely take me some time. For the outing, thankfully, my cousin, Thuy, set the camera with some basic settings to get me through the day.

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