Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy 20th Month Birthday!

Andrew is twenty months today! I can't believe he is four months from being two years old!! He has been learning lots and growing up to such a little boy.

Some of the new words/sounds that Andrew has learned include:
  • ah for ant/aunt;
  • wah wah for waddle for penguins;
  • duh duh for sharks;
  • bi for bird;
  • mao for mouse;
  • wah for walrus;
  • wha for whale;
  • uhh for octopus;
  • muh for milk;
  • mea for meal (e.g., oatmeal);
  • baby;
  • boo boo;
  • eye;
  • rah for rock;
  • ro for row;
  • mah for money (when we throw coins into the fountain);
  • mih for cement mixers;
  • dome (train part);
  • boah for board (e.g., all aboard);
  • ba for bridge;
  • Bo for Bevo and Gymbo;
  • Mo for Elmo;
  • Mas for Thomas;
  • Heh for Henry;
  • My for Mike; abd
  • Gee for Geotrak.

We are still working on sentences, but Andrew isn't progressing as we would like. There are still a lot of grunting and frustration (on all sides) when Andrew tries to communicate, but we can't understand. His comprehension is still amazing. He follows directions very well sometimes (when he wants to, that is). One of my favorite things is when I tell him to get a diaper out of the drawer where we keep them in the living room. He will get it and bring it to me. Sometimes, he will lay down immediately. Gidget!

We do joke that Andrew will just say "yeah" to whatever question you ask him. But we will test him upon occasion. One time, we asked him a bunch of questions that he replied yes to, but when we asked him if he wanted to go night night, he wagged his finger. I also ask him if he wants Mama to go back to work to which he wags his finger. Ha! Such a smarty pants!

The thing that I love most that Andrew has learned to say is "la la" for love you. I know it's not that close, but it is close enough for Mommy!! I will take it any way I can get it. And I know it's just a matter of time that he will pronounce it better. I have been asking him "do you love" so and so and usually, he says "yeah." I don't know if he gets what "love" means, but that's just technicalities.

Andrew loves all kinds of vehicles and lately it has been all about garbage trucks (like his cousin Brennan), cement mixers (that's for you, Uncle Mike), and cranes. He loves to play with all this trains and trucks--every day never fail. He still loves books, which Daddy and Mommy are very happy about. But Andrew loves his shows a lot now too! He has been really into this Geotrak DVD and will ask to watch it at least once a day. That's why he has learned "gee" and "board." He still loves his books, especially his Little People book and learns a great deal from them. For example, they are helping him to learn his basic shapes, which James and I have been working with him on. Drew is getting much better with the puzzles. With the numbers puzzle we have, the numbers are surrounded by that many number of varous animals. If Andrew can't figure out the number by the shape of the puzzle piece, he will pick up a number and we will tell him which animal corresponds to that number. He will then look for that animal. The alphabet puzzle isn't go as smooth since there are a lot more letters and Andrew doesn't know all of the pictures used on the puzzle.

Andrew also has learned the art of throwing temper tantrums. When he doesn't get his way (typically when he wants to watch TV or a show), he will cry. Sometimes, for added effect, he will fling his arms on the couch or lay on the floor. Thankfully, it doesn't last too long. But I know that this is just the beginning. Sometimes, Daddy and Mommy just try to ignore it until he stops, which works sometimes. If it isn't too big a deal and we will let him have whatever it is, I try to make him calm down before we give in. One of my things is that I try to make him put him his index finger on his mouth and make the "shh" noise so he stops crying and quiets down. Not sure how effective this will be later on.

Unfortunately, Andrew is back to pulling hair. Thankfully, no hitting like before, but on certain occasions, he will try to swat Ngoai, Daddy, or me. Sometimes, the hair pulling is a defense mechanism like if a kid is coming too close to Andrew or closing in on a toy he is playing with. But more the most part, it is still the random acts of violence. We don't know why he will pull one kid's hair, but hug the next or kiss the next. It's so frustrating!!

Occassionally, we still put Andrew in timeout like for pulling hair, but it's not that often. He still tries to get up and come to me so I have to set him back down and tell him to sit down. After a few times, he gets it and will sit down. He still sometimes thinks it's a game and it's funny though. I just try to keep a stern face and voice and tell him he is in trouble for doing whatever he did wrong.

Mommy is happy to report that Andrew is drinking more milk lately. Sometimes we even get through our half gallon of milk! Drew is even improving with the Pediasure too. I think his favorite is chocolate over the vanilla and then the strawberry, but he will drink all three. Mommy is hoping this helps Andrew to continue to pack on the pounds!

Andrew pretty much still eats all the same foods. For breakfast, Andrew has been eating a lot more oatmeal. I usually offer him a few choices, but more often than not, he says oatmeal; and he can typically finish the whole packet. The last few times we have made grilled cheese sandwiches for Drew, he has totally scarfed them down! He has been in a grape kick lately, but that could be because we have been buying them recently because they have been really sweet. He's also been digging pizza more than usual too. Andrew has also been eating alfredo with noodles really well. That must be the Italian in him!

Drew's nighttime sleeping has almost improved. We have fluctuated between good periods of sleep to not-so-good periods. And then when we seem to have reached a nice spot, something happens like illness or travel and that throws us off again. Usually, Andrew goes down anywhere between 8:30-9pm and will sleep to around 4-6am in the morning. Then, he will sleep the rest of the night in our bed. As for naps, he had been sleeping 1.5-2 hrs for naps, but now we are averaging more like 1-1.5 hrs.

Some other things our little boy likes to do is walk down the stairs using the rails instead of going backwards on his tummy. He also wants to take off his shoes downstairs like us and leave his shoes in the entryway. Also, Andrew still wags the finger for "no", but now will sometimes shake his head--sometimes in conjunction with the wag of the finger, but then again, sometimes it's just the shaking of the head.

Well, I am beat. I need to go get some shut eye so I can have some energy to keep up with the little man tomorrow! Happy 20th Birthday, Drew! And here's to four more until the big 0-2!! Thanks for another great month!

Here are some pictures of Andrew from today--my favorite from the pumpkin patch and from being at home this evening during gametime.

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