Monday, October 12, 2009

The Rest of Our Weekend in Austin

Saturday, October 10th

Our Saturday in Austin started off by going to watch Uncle Anh Tuan play in a volleyball tournament in North Austin. It had been years since Mommy has watched Uncle play volleyball. I can recall going to the Rec Center at UT and watching him in Intramurals or other tournaments back when I was in college. It was good to see him out there. And Andrew just wanted to go onto the court to go get his uncle. It was so sweet! Uncle's team did very well and ended up in the finals, but unfortunately lost their last match. But it is still impressive to us; and we are so proud of him and his teammates!

After the match, we went to Uncle Johnny's house to spend the afternoon with them. Cousins Peter and Kathryn were so sweet to Andrew and were great about playing and sharing their toys with them. Andrew totally loved on them--there sure was a lot of hugging going on! The kids just hung out and played most of the afternoon. I managed to get Andrew to nap to which I was totally surprised that he didn't put up more a fuss to keep playing! Anyhow, the kids played some more; and the adults even got to watch some football. Nonna also drove up from San Antonio to visit; and Granddad came over later to watch the UT-Colorado game with us. Andrew was not attention starved! On a side note, we did discuss going to the game, but we want to wait until Andrew is older. Hopefully, by then, he will be able to watch the entire game and not want to leave early as well as be able to have more fun too. Maybe next year...

Anyways, we watched the first half of the Texas game at Uncle Johnny's, but left to go back to Uncle Anh Tuan's to watch the second half with him and one of Daddy's friends from college, Uncle Chris. Andrew was really shy at first, but eventually warmed up to him and even shared his cars with him and read books with him. It was wonderful seeing Uncle Chris as it had been way too long since last we saw him!!

Sunday, October 11th

On Sunday morning, we met Uncle Johnny, Aunt Sharon, the kids, and Nonna at church. They didn't have a cry area so we kind of hung back in the back of the church. Uncle John later came to tell us there was plenty of room to sit next to them. But Daddy and Mommy were more concerned with if Andrew would be able to sit through mass and not cause too much disruption. Luckily, Mommy was able to sit on the end of the pew in case I had to make a quick exit with Andrew. Well, Andrew did totally awesome!! He played with his cars and wasn't too loud. There were a few times where he would say something a little loud or make car sounds (brrm, brrm), but nothing too bad at all! We were so proud of him!! I even showed him to put his hands together as if to pray; and he did it a little. Too cute!!

After mass, we went to eat lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Andrew totally dug the queso! Ha ha! But after lunch, we headed back to Uncle Anh Tuan's so he could take a nap. He was already so tired and fell asleep in the car on the way home. After he woke up, we headed back to Uncle John's to visit some more. We had planned/hoped to be able to go out on Granddad's sailboat, but sadly, it was too cold and rainy to go out. Boo for sucky weather! Another time it will have to be.

After dinner with the Lenzes and Granddad, we went back to Uncle Anh Tuan's to hang out with him and pack before we headed back home. Andrew did great on the way home. He must have been worn out from everything! It was a fun filled, action packed weekend and just a wonderful time. Thanks to everyone for everything!

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