Friday, July 15, 2011


Today, we received the most heartbreaking of news--something a parent should never have to hear.

I guess I'll start from the beginning--this morning, I had my appointment at Dr. Samuels's office first. I gained five pounds and was measuring 37 weeks. The entire pregnancy thus far, I hadn't gained that much weight so quickly and then to be measuring that big, I knew it wasn't good. But at the time, I was thinking that the worst case scenario was that I would have an amniocentis to extract some of the fluid since we talked about that a few weeks ago after my last ultrasound. If only I had known better. That would be like the best case scenario now.

So, then right after, I went to Dr. Kirshon's office for my ultrasound appointment. James met Andrew and I there. We went back and got all set up for the ultrasound and waited for Dr. Kirshon. He started the ultrasound; and it was pretty immediate that something was wrong when his demeanor turned very serious. He was pretty grim, which is abnormal for him. He told us that things did not look good.

The baby has amniotic fluid around his lungs and heart, but doesn't seem to have any by his brain. Dr. Kirshon also said that the baby has skin and scalp edema. His initial thoughts is that the baby is not able to swallow the fluid and is why the fluid is not being displaced. He is worried that it might be a neurological issue.

The medical condition that our son is suffering from is called non-immune hydrops; and the survival rate is sadly a grim 10-30%. Dr. Kirshon is not sure of the cause and in many cases, the cause goes unknown with hydrops.

We've told our immediate families of the situation and prepared them that the baby might not make it. We, of course, are heartbroken. I am so scared and so beside myself. I keep asking myself what went wrong and praying that a miracle will happen.

At this point, Dr. Kirshon wants us to have some tests performed so we can have a better idea of where things are including a MRI and echo, which can hopefully be scheduled next week.

And then there is our sweet Andrew who was so concerned about me. When I started crying in the ultrasound, he immediately wanted to be next to me and hugged me and kept wanting to hold my hand. And when I would start to cry again, he would say "don't cry" or "don't be sad". If only he knew how much he makes me loved and how he makes things more bearable.

Here is an ultrasound picture of our sweet little baby boy. Please, God, please help him!

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