Monday, July 18, 2011

Fetal Blood Sampling

This morning soon after I got to the office, I got a call from Dr. Kirshon's nurse, Becky, to inform me that Dr. Kirshon wanted me to have a fetal blood sampling this evening to check for possible chromosome defects and/or infections. I have to say I was taken aback to say the least.

I immediately called James and told him what was going on. Then, I called my mom to ask her to come up and watch Andrew for us. I went and told Andy what was going on and he told me to go home. But I wanted to stay and try to get my mind off things as much as possible until I had to leave for the hospital.

The procedure was scheduled for 6pm, but I had to check in at the Texas Women's Hospital at 4pm; and James was going to come right after work. The nurse took down all my personal information and got me prepped for the procedure. She did notice that I was having mild contractions--I was feeling some stomach pain, but just thought I was having a little bit of cramping.

After James arrived around 4:30pm, we were brought into a room; and they got me set up for the procedure. I had to lay on my side, which probably was a good thing because I didn't have to see the long needle that I could hear them talking about. Hearing the debate about the length of the needle to use definitely did not ease my anxiety!

Unfortunately, Dr. Kirshon was not able to retrieve a sample of the blood from the umbilical cord. The cord was obstructed by a lot of fluid and the positioning of the cord wasn't conducive either. He did take some amniotic fluid and was going to have some tests run on it.

When I was taken back to the recovery room, I was supposed to be there for about an hour or so to make sure all was well. But my contractions had not subsided so Dr. Kirshon wanted me to stay overnight for monitoring. I was given some medicine to help reduce them, but I started shaking as a result of the medicine, so they put me on a different one. I was also given some steroids to help strengthen the baby's lungs.

Luckily, my mom packed her things just in case. She's amazing, I know. I am so sad that I didn't get to see Andrew this evening; and I know he must be freaked that Mommy and Daddy aren't coming home tonight. We told him that I had to stay in the hospital so the doctor and nurses could help his baby brother and me.

Tonight surely didn't go the way as planned. I am so disappointed we weren't able to get a blood sample as I was hoping it could provide some answers. And I hate having to stay here overnight, but I understand.

Dr. Kirshon started talking to us about doing an amniocentesis tomorrow in an effort to remove some of the fluid. He hopes that it will relieve some of the pressure and keep the contractions at bay, and buy us some more time.

James and I are emotionally and physically tired. We are trying to stay as positive as we can. And we are trying to do whatever we can...what's best for the baby. But it's hard. We are so worried. We are so scared. We keep praying for a miracle...
I don't have any pictures from today of the baby or Andrew, but here is one of Andrew from last weekend when we were at Ngoai's and Papa's neighborhood pool. I love his smile so much. I love him so much. I love his little brother so much.

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