Saturday, October 15, 2011

Joe's Wedding

This evening, we attended the wedding of a good friend of mine from law school, Joe. Andrew was very excited about the wedding and kept asking about it. We got there about ten minutes before the ceremony was supposed to start and Andrew kept wondering when the wedding was going to get underway. But when it did, he was really good and pretty quiet. He watched very intently. But of course, after a while, he wanted to draw so we let him.

After the ceremony, we greeted Leighton and his family. Andrew and little Leighton hit it off once again. They were like old friends running around the church. So, we felt it best to head to the restaurant for the reception. Andrew kept asking where their car was.

We found a table and Andrew just wanted to play with little Leighton. They drew pictures and played Angry Birds on my phone. They managed to take a break in playing to eat. It was an Italian restaurant so Andrew was all about the noodles and even had seconds on them.

For the remainder of the festivities, Andrew and Leighton played while we caught up with Leighton and Lori and of course, Joe and his bride Amy. It was a beautiful wedding and a great way to see some dear friends.

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