Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day Out With Thomas 2011

A few weeks ago, Andrew kept bringing up that he wanted to go back to Thomas Day Out. He always mentions it sporadically, but he's been saying it a lot more lately. Originally, we hadn't planned on going since it would be soon after having Matthew and told him that we probably wouldn't go. In secret, we had talked about James possibly taking Andrew by himself while I stayed at home with Matthew. But with the circumstances changed now, we started up the conversation again and thought it might a good idea to take him especially since he has been so wonderful the last few months.

Since we had our soccer game yesterday morning, we decided to just drive up to Austin after the game and hang out. We wanted to go first thing in the morning today so we could beat some of the crowd. It was a much nicer day in terms of weather compared to two years ago when it was rainy and ugly out. It was perfectly sunny and not too hot.

Having done this before, James and I planned to be better this time about being more efficient. James would take him around if I needed to wait in line. So, once we got there, we got our tickets for the first available train ride. But while we waited for our designated time to depart, we went to story time.

We saw the line was short for Sir Topham Hatt so we jumped in and had a short wait. Andrew was very cute about standing there with him giving us his fake "cheese" smile.

Andrew loved riding Thomas again. I think he loves riding any train, but it was a little more special that it was Thomas. He just looked outside the whole time and would tell us what he saw.

We took Andrew to Imagination Station where he got a Thomas tattoo, colored, and then enjoyed playing trains. They also had an inflatable bouncy house in the shape of a train and Andrew ran through that a few times. After, Andrew said he wanted to play with more trains in Imagination Station so we took him back for a little while before we left to head back to Austin.

It was a fun morning. I am glad we got to take Andrew and he had a really nice time so it was definitely worth the trip.

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