Thursday, March 12, 2009

Play Date with Max

Linda and I met back at Evan's school's Halloween party; and I immediately took a liking to her. Fortunately, she liked me enough that we have been trying to get our boys together for a while now, but just haven't been able to connect up. Well, today, we finally were able to have a play date for Andrew and Max. Linda was kind enough to come to our house to meet up. Then, if we wanted to go somewhere, we could. It was kind of overcast when they arrived this morning so we just started playing; and time just flew by. At times, the boys were a little competitive with one another always seeming to want whatever toy the other one had. But that's understandable so we would just try to distract them with some other toy. There were some very nice moments where the boys did good sharing with food and toys and especially at the end where Max and Andrew hugged, kissed, and gave each other five. So, Mommy was happy the boys did like each other.

We will definitely have to do it again sometime! Thanks, Linda and Max, for a great day!

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