Friday, March 13, 2009

Da Cleaner

Andrew has been really into brooms and mops lately. He will try to grab them any time we get them out of the closet. Andrew will hold them and drag them across the floor. Moreover, he will even get a diaper wipe or paper towel and start wiping anything and everything, such as the floor, the refrigerator, the cabinets, and his toys. I know he sees Ngoai clean a lot and Daddy and Mommy some, but now, I wonder how much he thinks that we all must clean. I just hope we can keep him this interested in cleaning (Mommy will pick up his toys all day long if Andrew will sweep and mop)!! Ha ha!

When we were in League City today, it was rainy and cold; and poor Andrew wanted to go outside so badly. Uncle Anh Tuan and I finally relented and took him outside bundled in his heavy coat. Too cute! And we shouldn't have been so surprised when he wanted the broom versus checking out the koi pond or playing with the rocks in the garden.

Sweeping the patio:

Sweeping in the garden:

Then sweeping in the living room:

Mommy and Da Cleaner in coordinating sweaters:

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