Tuesday, March 3, 2009


James and I have discussed about various activities that Andrew can partake in to assist in his development. Since Drew seems to like kids and want to play with them, we thought Gymboree might be one of the things I can take Andrew to. The zoo and museums are nice; and play dates are great too, but we were attracted to the concept of having a lot of kids around for Andrew to interact with.

Mommy finally got it together and took Andrew to his first class. He was a little hesitant not knowing what to make of it. Andrew was a little clingy at times, but he liked climbing around and playing with the balls that the teacher laid out. Drew was very interested in the other children in the class too, so that's good. However, he was not liking the parachute activities AT ALL!! Andrew made my day when he cracked up laughing when the teacher took a puppet on a stick of the Gymboree mascot, Gymbo, and played peek a boo with it.

Another added bonus, Mommy's first best friend in school happens to be the teacher for our class. She was out sick this week, but we were happy to find out she is the regular teacher. Mommy had learned via Facebook messaging that she worked there, but we didn't know that she would be teaching the exact class we have signed up for. Hooray! I guess it was all meant to be!

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