Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Maks

Tonight, we hosted a small gathering of friends from my former job (2 jobs ago)...for a group lovingly referred to as the EOTFLG. The acronym stands for "Eat on the Floor Lunch Group" since we used to eat together everyday on the floor since there was no adequate space for us to all eat together in the office (the company used to buy us lunch).

Well, Jerry and Mitzi Mak have been volunteering for the International Justice Mission going on two years now to help rescue youngs girls from being enslaved as postitutes. FYI, they have their own blog at Transitioning to Life in South Asia. Anyhow, the Maks were in town visiting over the holidays; and we all wanted to get together to see them. So, we hosted a small impromptu dinner party just to hang out, catch up, reminisce, and laugh. It was so good to see them and everyone else!!

I didn't take many pictures, but here are a couple of Mitzi and Andrew. We look forward to your return in August!!

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