Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Eleventh Month Birthday!

Well, here I am again posting about another month come and gone. Drew is growing up so fast these days. He has been learning so much over the past month. His walking has come a long way over the past few weeks. He can walk across the whole room. It's nowhere near perfect; and he still has his share of falls. Andrew will even try to walk fast/run now. I wonder to myself why do kids want to try to run when they haven't even mastered walking. Crazy daredevils!!

A.J. says "da da" and "ma ma" and will look at us when he says it. He also says it when we leave the room. Andrew has also learned the signs for "more" and "milk". We will add more signs as we go like "finish" and "please".

As for new tricks, he will pat his mouth and ours to do Indian (Native American) tribal calls. He loves playing with his toys as well as boxes and bottles. Andrew also loves to listen to stories; he will even manuever to sit in our laps, which Mommy absolutely loves.

He has gotten so much better in the car too. We don't know if it is because he's just grown up and knows that the car seat means that he is going somewhere or because he is placated by looking out the window. Drew still gets fussy though when he is tired. But sometimes, he will fall asleep without crying at all! Yippee!

Andrew, you continue to amaze us each and every day. Daddy and Mommy love you so much!! Happy Eleventh Month Birthday! One more to go before the Big One!!

Here's a picture of Daddy showing Andrew the ways of Playstation! Sorry, it's blurry. My camera has been acting up.

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