Sunday, March 2, 2008

One Week Later

Happy first week birthday to our sweet baby boy!!

Today had been marked in my calendar since June as D-Day (Due Day). But instead of being the day our baby was scheduled to come to us, Andrew has already been here seven whole days already.

Andrew, or A.J. as Daddy, Aunt Anh Thu, and Cousins Cara and Emma like to call him, is still very well or well enough for us. I have been around newborns before, but never really paid any attention as to how much they cry, how much they poop, or how much they sleep. I just knew they all did these things quite frequently. He continues to sleep a lot, anywhere from 2-4 hours at a time, with the average probably being 3 hours. He does like to give us our run for our money during the night and wakes up one time where he is more fussy than normal. My bet is that gas or poop, or both, is the culprit.

The only other frustration that James and I have is A.J.'s impeccable timing during diaper changes. The kid loves to pee or poop when his diaper is off or when his new diaper has just been placed on. But this happens with all kids; and our son is no different. We will just have to work on changing diapers faster and more efficiently.

Other than that, we are very fortunate to have a pretty easy baby so far. He still does not cry too much--only when he's hungry, getting his diaper changed, or after he wakes up. But sometimes, we will walk into the room; and he will be awake just chilling. This makes Dad and Mom so proud.

James and I are definitely sleep deprived, but we are managing. We are still in awe that Andrew is here and he is our son. We knew we always wanted children and that we would love them dearly, but never imagined how great it would be.

Here are some pictures taken today to celebrate A.J.'s week birthday: (1) Andrew with an involuntary smile (this was actually taken last night by Monica, but wanted to share it anyhow); (2) the birthday boy; and (3) Ba Ngoai, Uncle Footon, and Andrew.

1 comment:

Tse Family said...

So cute! He is quite a handsome guy. Due to my career choice, I was/am the professional resident diaper changer, however you'll find a description of an incident in our blog regarding a projectile poop in which I dropped the ball. From my experience with new parents, this is the most challenging skill to manage and it doesn't help that generally the little one becomes a contortionist and screams like crazy during the entire process. Perhaps it is God's way of providing comic relief to the new sleepy family?