Sunday, March 9, 2008

Two Weeks Later

The past week has really flown by. We were thrilled to have visits from friends, like Cynthia and Lora (who I haven't seen in years, so that was such a great treat to see her and her family) and from family, like Nonna (thank you for everything), Granddad, and Uncle John. We even got an unexpected visit from Uncle Anh Tuan. It's been so nice have family and friends around. We feel so loved!

Andrew has been testing the waters of staying awake more and more. He is definitely more alert and getting better at tracking. And sometimes when he hears a voice, he will follow the sound and intently listen and watch you talk. Sometimes, he will make noises back at you too! Could he already be a talker just like his mother!?

But these periods of staying awake can cause a problem when he does it at night when Mommy and Daddy are soooo tired. But this past week, I am happy to say that I got two nights of really good sleep. My standards of what a good night's sleep have definitely changed. But last night, Andrew slept from like 12:00 to 3:00, then 3:30 to 6:30, and then 7:00 to 1030. Mommy took the middle-of-the-night diaper changing, so Daddy managed six consecutive hours of sleep!!

These are some pictures taken this past week: (1) A.J. on his activity mat; (2) Stick 'Em Up! (3) Andrew and Nonna; (4) Andrew meets Granddad; and (5) Drew meets his Uncle John.

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