Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Weekend of Momentous Firsts

Today, Andrew is 5 weeks old; and the little guy had a weekend of momentous firsts.

First, A.J. was without his parents for the first time (since the hospital). James and I went to the UT basketball game with Uncle Anh Tuan and Auntie Monica Friday night and again this afternoon. My parents were kind enough to watch him and said that he behaved really well for them both times much to our delight. Although, I don't know if this was more momentous for Drew or more momentous for me! It was nice to get out and watch the Longhorns, but I have to admit that I did suffer some separation anxiety. But it's nice to know that we can leave him for a few hours and everything be okay...for both Andrew and Mommy.

Secondly, this weekend marked another milestone when A.J. slept the longest he has ever slept on Saturday night--6 1/2 hours straight!! I guess it was also momentous for me since I slept 5 consecutive hours. Gosh, it felt great!

So, the Lenzes had a pretty great weekend. If only the Horns had won today, it would have been even better. But oh well, at least we made it to the Elite 8.

1 comment:

Tse Family said...

That is awesome! I remember that first event without Nathan--a certain wedding we all attended--it was so hard, but needed. We are in dire need of more adult time, but finding a way to fit it in isn't easy.
Too bad about the Horns, but as Joey said, "Spurs won though".
Sorry I didn't get back to you about the video...not sure what is going on, but haven't had time to really look at it. It has been a crazy week!