Monday, July 30, 2012

YMCA Summer 2012 Soccer Team New England: Last Practice

We had our last practice for the season today. It started out a little strange--no one had showed up by the time practice started at 530pm. Andrew was a little distraught about it too asking "Where my friends?"

Then, four players showed up (three of them being the triplets). We talked to the other coach who was having practice on the other side of the gym. They didn't have many kids as well and we were already sharing the space with the game going on on the other half of the gym. So, we decided to scrimmage one another at the end of practice.

We had already lost to them earlier in the season, but we just wanted the kids to get in some playing time. But lo and behold, our kids were on fire!! Cooper scored three goals and Andrew scored two. Both boys were so happy they finally scored and multiple times!!

After practice, Andrew kept saying "I scored two goals!" and "I'm proud of my teammates!" So sweet! And since he did so great today, we let him pick dinner. Sure enough, he picked Olive Garden!!

And go figure, I didn't take any video at practice today. Boo for me! But here are some more pictures from this morning at the pool.

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