Tuesday, July 3, 2012

SLDS 4th of July Parade

Andrew was very excited about the 4th of July parade at school this morning. When James and I dropped him off, Ms. Edgett was helping some of the kids put some finishing touches on some decorative pieces they had been working on to have in the parade.

Andrew also told me that he was line leader this week in class, but I wasn't sure if that would carry over to the parade. But sure enough, he was holding Ms. Edgett's hand leading his class down the hallway.

The kids made their way to the courtyard and back into the church before making another pass through the courtyard back to their class.

At circle time, Ms. Edgett asked the kids what their favorite part of the parade was and Andrew's answer was "I saw my mommy over and over and over. I love her." Heart melting. I love you too, sweetie!

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