Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

For the fireworks, we thought we try a different location in which to park. James and I thought about how we could get higher to see above some of the buildings. I remembered the parking garage by our Barnes & Noble bookstore and James thought it was worth a try. Apparently, other people had the same notion as it was pretty packed, but luckily not overly crowded. We were able to park in the garage with no problems and then walked up two flights of stairs to the top level (the building management closed off the top and second highest level to parking).

We didn't have to wait too long before the River Oaks fireworks began and then right after came the Freedom Over Texas show. Both were great and Andrew enjoyed them. He still doesn't like the noise too much, but it wasn't too loud where we were. I think we might have found ourselves a new location!!

He had had such a fun and action packed day!! I wasn't the least bit surprised when
our little patriot totally conked out on the way home even though it wasn't even a ten minute car ride.

Happy Birthday, America!! And Happy 4th, everyone!

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