Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning

Andrew woke up around the normal time--after 7am. He came in our room and asked "Santa come to our house?" I said, "I think so." Andrew then said, "What did he get me?" Of course, I wasn't going to spill the beans. What fun would that be? So, I said for him to go downstairs and look.

We walked downstairs and I said for him to give me a second to grab the camera, but he wanted to check it out. He saw his bike and said "Woowwww!!"

We let him open his other gifts. He started out with his stocking and there was a new Thomas train named Belle (from the new movie).

He opened up our gifts and got a lot of LEGOs, books, trains, and fire trucks. He really loved all the LEGOs (especially the fire truck and garbage truck) he got and wanted to build them right away.

But we had to tell him we had to get on the road to Austin. There was more Christmas to be had!!

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