Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Tenth Month Birthday!

I know I write just about every month that I can't believe that another month has gone by; and this month is no different. Then, when you add in all the Christmas preparations and time with family, the days seem to really come and go in the blink of an eye. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's been a good month. Andrew is growing up and becoming such a little boy. His walking has gotten much better. Although he still has the drunken stupor thing going for him, he is getting more confident and braver with his walking. However, he definitely still crawls more than walks.

He is also becoming a lot more picky when it comes to food. He wants to eat what we are eating and doesn't care too much for this baby food. Since I have jars and jars left, we are still making him eat his baby food. But thankfully, I put things on his tray and let him divert himself while he picks them up to feed him the baby food. Some days are better than others. Sometimes, he will turn his head away, close his mouth, or even better, spit out the food. Punk! Well, baby food had a good six month run!!

Andrew is also talking more. "Ma" has made it finally!!! I was beginning to wonder. I don't think he makes the association with words and objects yet, but we will keep working on it.

He still loves to give fives and clap. But he started sticking out his tongue so I kept saying "tongue" until he made the connection. I promise to get video of all his tricks and more of his walking soon! My apologies! I have been slacking with recording clips as of late. :(

I leave you with my favorite pictures of Andrew and Mary Ann from earlier today.

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