Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Nine Month Birthday

I don't know where the time goes by, but I can't get over 9 months have come and gone already. We joke that we don't have a little baby anymore, but a little boy. Andrew is still a pretty happy kid, but has learned to cry when he doesn't get his way. Now, if Mommy takes something away or closes the door, Drew will cry to show his displeasure.

He loves to eat non-baby food, but still enjoys his baby food a decent amount. He loves Yo Baby yogurt and Baby Mum-Mums. A.J. can hold the Mum-Mum and feed himself. I am happy to report that I am still breast feeding, but we have thought about moving him to formula, but I have mixed feelings about that. So, we may just wait until he is turns a year old and move him to cow's milk.

Andrew is learning more and more each day. As you can see from the previous blog, he is able to crawl now and can stand up some (the longest was 15 seconds that we counted). He has even tried to take a few steps, so we are just waiting to see how long before he truly walks! He has learned to give 5s and wave, but sometimes doesn't want to do them or gets them confused.

Drew is already starting to get into toy cars and still loves books. Moreover, he is much better about "reading" along instead of just putting the books in his mouth thankfully. He loves the non-traditional toys like many other kids like boxes, lids, and water bottles. Of course, he likes to play with all the techy stuff we have around the house, such as the TV, cell phones, and laptops.

Daddy has been working with Andrew on climbing stairs. We have tried to teach him going down, but that isn't going as well. Here is a clip of Drew going up the stairs at my folks' house.

Happy Nine Month Birthday!!

1 comment:

Tse Family said...

Wow, you've been busy. Gonna take me a while to catch up. I have some marathon blogging to do too. How does so much happen in these little lives?
9 months already? Wow!