Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Doctor's Visit #5 - Nine Month Check Up

Mommy took Andrew for his Nine Month Check Up this morning. Drew was really cute in the waiting room as he was watching all the other kids and even tried to touch an older boy that was playing with one of the toys they have there. He is so into other kids!! Unfortunately, I guess with Thanksgiving this week and many kids out of school already, the office was quite busy; and we had to wait longer than usual. I tried my best to keep him placated by giving him snacks, playing with toys, and reading books...doing whatever I could. Andrew got a bit anxious, but was good for the most part. I couldn't ask for more. I was a little antsy myself!

Daddy and Mommy have been concerned about A.J.'s weight as he seems to be on the thinner side. So, I asked Dr. Isenhower about our concern; and she was okay with his weight as he is still growing at around the same rate that he has been since birth. She thinks that he could just have a very fast metabolism (I guess like his Papa and Aunt Anh Thu). Dr. Isenhower says he is very active and is still advanced as she was impressed that he was standing and cruising already. So far, so good. Mommy is very happy that Andrew is a healthy baby!!

Here are today's stats with the numbers from his six month check up in parentheses:
- Height: 28 1/4 in (25 1/4 in);
- Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz (15 lbs 4 oz); and
- Head Circumference: 18 1/4 in (17 1/4 in).

Andrew is still around 15% for weight, but is around 50% for height. That makes Daddy and Mommy feel a little better. I do have to add the disclaimer that the height might be inaccurate because Drew wouldn't lie still for the nurse to get his measurements. So, she did the best she could.

I shall leave you all with another video of Andrew and Anh Tuan.

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