Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Six Month Birthday!

Where does the time go!? I can't believe Andrew is 6 months already. He is learning and growing so fast. Sometimes, I wish time would just slow down so we can cherish this time even more.

Some of his more recent dislikes: (1) car rides (not so a recent development, but probably his biggest grievance); (2) peas, peaches, applesauce, and pears; and (3) anything sour apparently.

Some of his more recent likes: (1) putting everything in his mouth; (2) climbing; (3) drinking from a cup; and (4) corn, mango, and baby food with meat.

Drew still isn't crawling the traditional way, but does a combination butterfly move with his arms and a frog style leap with his feet. He can really move fast.

A.J. is also getting the hang of sitting on his own. Sometimes, he will still topple over not fully understanding gravity. He can do it for a good while evidenced by today's picture of him with Auntie Monica.

Happy Half Year Birthday!

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