Sunday, September 2, 2012

Zane and Tyler

This afternoon, we went to Aunt Kelly's house to finally meet their twins, Zane and Tyler who are now nine months now.

When we arrived, the boys were still at the pool with Mike. But it gave us a chance to catch up with Kelly. Soon after, the boys came home and they are so adorable. Andrew was pretty good with him. At first, he was stacking these blocks and Tyler was looking like he was going to knock them down. Andrew didn't want him to and tried to keep him away. So I had to remind Andrew that the blocks were the twins' toys and to be a good friend and stack some for him to knock down. So, both of them were happy after that.

I am sad that it took us this long to meet them, but better late than never, right?! But I was just happy to see Kelly and get to meet her boys.

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