Sunday, September 16, 2012

Frank's 5th Birthday Party

We had our second birthday party of the weekend this morning. Doesn't it always seem that parties come in droves!? But this party was in honor of Frank turning five and was held at Pump It Up.

When we were signing in, Chiarra arrived with Jorja and Mac in tow so we walked into the party room with them. They immediately ran up the first slide without a moment's waste. The party host also put out these mats out for the kids to use to make them go faster. Andrew wasn't sure what to make of it, but after seeing Jorja go down on one, he tried it and loved it. We finally saw Frank and wished him a happy birthday. Soon, Palmer arrived and he and Andrew played a lot together.

Later, when we went into the second party room, the kids must have asked Brian to let them do this enclosed thing that blows a lot of wind around. The kids all loved that.

After we had lunch and birthday cake, it was time to wrap things up and head home. We had a great time and we were happy we could be there to celebrate with Frank.

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