Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Doctor's Visit #6 - One Year Checkup

Andrew had his one year appointment with our pediatrician earlier today. Since Daddy has been concerned with Andrew's weight and blows to his noggin, he really wanted to be there to talk with the doctor and met us at the office. This was nice for me since it's easier for two people to entertain Andrew while waiting to be seen.

Here are today's stats with the stats from his nine month check up in parentheses:
- Height: 30 in (28 1/4 in);
- Weight: 18 lbs 1 oz (17 lbs 4 oz); and
- Head Circumference: 18 1/4 in (18 1/4 in).

Dr. Isenhower is very pleased with Andrew's development and commented how active he is. She was slightly concerned about his weight this time as Andrew has dropped from the 25th percentile to below the 5th percentile for weight where his height remains in the 25th percentile. She was not overly concerned because she thinks that the cold and ear infections that he has had recently may have attributed to the lack in weight gain. She again reiterated that he may just have a high metabolism (like Papa and Aunt Anh Thu).

As a matter of caution, Dr. Isenhower wants us to come back in 6 weeks to recheck Andrew and see if there has been any significant weight gain. She suggested that we try to fatten him up, e.g. adding butter, cheese, whipping cream, and whole milk to his diet. Funny how you instinctively try to keep your child's diet healthy and how it's unnatural to try to fatten your child up! Should be interesting. At least I don't have to feel guilty about giving him ice cream and cake!

Andrew had some blood drawn to check for anemia (which he wasn't) and then got 4 shots. Poor baby was not happy with all the poking and prodding, but only cried for a few minutes. Also to his defense, he was pretty tired and ready for a nap. He fell asleep as we were leaving the doctor's office.

Below is Andrew playing with one of his birthday gifts from Daddy and Mommy this evening.

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