Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike Evacuation Update #2

Well, here we are in Austin on Day 2 of our Hurricane Ike evacuation. My dad's family made in town late last night...all 10 of them consisting of my aunt, her daughter, and stepson and my uncle, his wife, and their 5 kids. It's kind of crazy in the house, but it's a good crazy. We are all happy to be safe, but anxious having to now wait out the storm. We are all worried about what will happen to our dear beloved League City and specifically, our homes. But mostly, we wish and pray for everyone's safety.

As for today, we pretty much just chilled at home watching a lot of news, goofed off with the cousins, played some ping pong, and ate a lot. Uncle Anh Tuan went to work while Papa and I worked from the house remotely. Andrew could not complain about being neglected with everyone playing with him!

This afternoon, we went to Uncle Johnny's new garage, ER Automotive {website to come later}. Then, Uncle Footon took us to the Avery Ranch pool along with all the cousins. Andrew had a great time and did good "kicking" his legs in the pool. Most of us are watching this movie right now, which I have to say is quite disturbing...good, but disturbing.

Here are some pictures from the pool and a video clip of Drew's swimming legs as he literally "kicks" it with Uncle Anh Tuan.

*Update: John's garage is ER Automotive.

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