Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Seven Month Birthday!

Well, Andrew is now seven months old! I think to myself (and now to you guys out there) that in less than six months from now, he will be a year old. I know it's jumping the gun a bit, but I am amazed that the time just keeps passing us by.

Andrew continues to develop at a pretty fast pace. For a while there, he was crawling with a good 4-5 steps of alternating his arms and legs. But it seems he has reverted back to the worm. My guess is that he feels he can get around faster this way. However, there will be short instances where he will do a few steps of the "real" crawling. I don't know if he will ever get to the point when he will forego the worm. I guess only time will tell.

However, sometimes I wonder if he is going to move onto walking. A.J.'s new thing is standing up by himself for a couple of seconds. He will pull himself up on whatever or whomever and then let go. You can see him try to balance himself, but unfortunately, it doesn't last too long. But we are impressed at his ability to maintain himself for the few seconds that he does.

Mommy got home late tonight and Daddy got home even later (we were looking at the house we are considering buying). But Mommy was too busy playing with Drew that she didn't take a picture of him on his actual birthday. :( And now, he is sleeping.

Tomorrow, I will be sure to take pictures....but in the meantime, Happy Birthday, my precious angel.

*Update: Well, it's tomorrow and I am adding these pictures that were taken this morning of the belated birthday boy while we were playing upstairs. I couldn't take a picture of him trying to stand up by himself as I was trying to spot him. So, you guys will have to be complacent with him standing up on his toy until I can take one when I have a spotter.

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