Friday, February 15, 2008


Well, here goes, the first post on our blog!!!

James and I thought {Okay, who are we kidding?! This was totally all my idea.} that this would be a good way to share with family and friends updates on our lives and the journey we are about to embark on called parenthood.

For the curious mothers and/or people knowledgeable about birthing and babies out there, I am currently 37.5 weeks, dilated 3 cm, and 80% effaced. Baby Lenz weighs almost 7 lbs. My obstetrician and a fellow Longhorn, Dr. Tracey Samuels, hopes that I deliver fairly soon. But if I haven't gone into labor by my next appointment on Tuesday, she will take matters into her own hands literally!

Here is the latest ultrasound picture taken February 6th of the little guy's head (which is somewhat on the larger side, according to our perinatologist). The top of his head is towards the left of the picture. The black spot towards the center of the picture is his left eye. Hopefully, you can make it out, including his nose and mouth.

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