Friday, February 24, 2012

Family Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Andrew's birthday from sun up to sun down today. Upon asking him, Andrew told James he wanted to eat donuts at Shipley's and then ride Metro in the morning before school. So, we had to get ready as quickly as possible to make sure that we had enough time to do both before school.

After school, we came home and Ngoai came up to celebrate with us. He opened a few presents from Ngoai and Aunt Anh Thu including some Cars 2 cars and played with them. Then, he wanted to ride his bike in the courtyard. He was adamant about taking Oso with him so we had to figure out a way to make Oso stay on. Emily came out to ride bikes as well.

For his birthday dinner, we were joined by Ngoai and Papa and Aunt Monica too. We had asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted none other than Nikos Nikos. Of course, we ordered him the pastichio or greek lasagna.

Then after dinner, it was time that Andrew was most excited about. I had asked Andrew if he wanted me to buy him a cake or make him one. He said he wanted me to bake him one. So, he picked out which cake mix he wanted as well as the icing. He picked "white cake and chocolate icing with sprinkles". So that is what we got.

We sang Happy Birthday and Andrew blew out his candles. But with a little mishap. He was having trouble blowing the candles and went in closer and ended up burning some of his eyelashes. Luckily, nothing too major. That would suck for his birthday!

Happy Birthday, Andrew! Hope you had a wonderful day!!

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