Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mary-Ann's Bridal Shower

This morning, I attended Mary-Ann's bridal shower hosted by a family friend of the Ferguson's at the Ferguson's beach house in Hitchcock. It was a lovely shower--the hostess and her helpers (Scott's mom Gwen, his sister in law Shannon, and Shannon's sister in law Lisa) did an amazing job with everything from the mimosa bar to the delicious array of food.

Sadly, I had to leave early because Andrew's last soccer game was exactly at the same time and I was trying to make the post-season party at Prince's Hamburgers. But unfortunately, I hit traffic coming up from Hitchcock and arrived as the party was ending. I got to see a few people, but I guess it's how it works out sometimes. And I should see most of them again at least by the spring season if not before then. Hopefully, one of the parents post some photos from today so that I can see them.

But I needed to attend the shower--I am the matron of honor after all. And am glad I got to go for a little bit. I can't believe her wedding is less than a month away!!

1 comment:

WebiProg said...

Hi guys! how are you? I wish all the best!