Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, America!

James and I both had Thursday and today off. Yesterday, we did some shopping, ran a bunch of errands, and just hung out. Today, we had lunch with one of my old friends from high school, Quincy and had a really nice time catching up. Then, we grilled out hamburgers and for dessert, served good ole American apple pie. We watched some fireworks shows on the television, since we thought the live version might be too loud for Andrew. But as we were putting him to sleep, we saw some from our window and let him watch for a bit. It worked out pretty well. I love fireworks, but no traffic, no mosquitos, and no loud noise is really nice too.

Today's pictures are: (1) Quincy and Andrew; and (2) a family photo with Andrew in his Independence Day outfit that he inherited from Cousin Brennan.

Happy 4th of July, everyone!! Hope you all had a great holiday!

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