Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday with Friends

This morning, we drove out to Sugar Land to visit Uncle Steven, Aunt Belinda, Evan, and the twins. I had been wanting to visit the twins since they are growing up so fast. And I wanted Andrew to get to play with Evan since he doesn't get to as much as he probably would like.

The boys played well together for the most part. There were still some problems with sharing, but for the most part, not too bad. They do seem to get better in terms of playing together versus playing next to one another.

Mommy got her baby fix in and got to hold Cayden! Andrew didn't get jealous of it, but rather came up to us and would pat Cayden and try to hug him. It was really sweet. I hope he will be as loving with his future brother or sister when the day comes. ;)

The boys got a little rambunctious so we decided to let them swim in their backyard pool. Andrew decided to jump into the water without any help. Thankfully, it was the hot tub and wasn't deep. This crazy kid!! Evan and Andrew had fun with the water guns spraying lots of water around, including at the trees. It was time to head home so Andrew could take a nap. He was so wiped out that he fell asleep on the way home.

In the afternoon, we had a breakthrough with Andrew's potty training. He hadn't given much thought about potty training since that first time back so many months ago. But we would keep casually asking if he wanted to pee in the potty. And he would casually say "no." But we kept at it thinking one day he would be interested again. Then when Daddy went upstairs to change clothes for dinner tonight, Andrew wanted to tag along and headed upstairs with his daddy. Andrew's diaper was wet and needed to be changed. Daddy asked Andrew if he wanted to pee on the potty to which Andrew said "yes, fire station." Daddy was puzzled for a second, but then remembered that we had promised him the GeoTrax fire station if he peed in the potty. So, Daddy put him on the potty and waited a few minutes. Nothing. So, Daddy asked him if he wanted to get off, but Andrew said "no, fire station." Even more time elapsed and still nothing. Daddy told Andrew he could get off the toilet if he wanted. But Andrew again said "no". Not wanting to wait in the bathroom any longer (and maybe take the pressure off of Andrew), Daddy told Andrew that he was going back out into the bedroom to begin getting dressed, but would be listening. Then, maybe a minute or two later, he heard the tinkling of water. Sure enough, Andrew had peed in the potty!! I heard the commotion and ran upstairs and Daddy told me what happened. I praised Andrew for a good job. But Andrew didn't care so much about what I had to say, he just darted downstairs to the garage for the fire station. We opened it up and Andrew began playing with it immediately. He was so happy!

Then later this evening, we met up with Uncle Ed at Lupe Tortilla. When we first walked into the restaurant, Andrew quickly saw the sandbox and wanted to go play in there. But we told him he had to eat first.

Once we were seated at our table, we ordered food and drinks and caught up with Ed while we waited for our meals. Andrew played with trains to pass the time. The food came out and Andrew ate his quesadillas. But once he was done, he kept saying "sandbox." There was no putting it off any longer. I took Andrew outside and let the man loose. He had a blast playing on the slides and with the trucks and sand tools they had available. He even played with a few other kids that were in the sandbox too. We played for a good while and after Daddy and Uncle Ed finished their meals, they came to join us. Then, it was time to get Andrew home for a much needed bath!!

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