Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy 6th Anniversary!

Hmm, half a dozen already!? I really feel like time is just passing us by and I can't keep up! I wish I could slow it down a little so I can enjoy every second of it to its fullest extent.

Tonight, James and I talked about our third anniversary. We had headed back to Lake Tahoe for the weekend. James and I had just the best time and totally reconnected. We had fun skiing at Heavenly and Kirkwood. We went to Easter mass at St. Teresa where we got married. But the best moment of the weekend was our anniversary dinner at Edgewood where we had our wedding reception. I surprised James with a cake just like his groom's cake from our original baker (not in appearance, but same flavor and filling). James didn't have a piece of it at our wedding so I wanted him to have one albeit three years later.

So, the reason we got on the subject was that James and I were talking about when we would be ready to leave Andrew for a weekend getaway. I still haven't spent one night away from Andrew; and to be honest, I am not sure I am ready yet. Mainly, I worry about if/when Andrew wakes up in the middle of the night. Usually, he just wants me. I am so scared that he will wake up without me there and become inconsolable. I love the idea of getting away with James, but hate the idea of leaving Andrew. I really do need to cut the cord! But I know there will be a time when both Andrew and I will be ready. One day...

Anyhow, happy 6th anniversary, James! We've had a great year and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us. Thank you for all that you do and all that you are. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. Thank you for making me a better person. Thank you for our son. Thank you for our life together. Thank you for everything!! I love you so much!

As promised from last year, here are more pictures from our wedding.

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