Saturday, April 24, 2010

Go For It USA

Cara and Emma were invited by their gymnastics teacher at Go For It USA to perform in a show being put on at Dillard's Kids Day at the Fashion Mall. Cara had ballet practice and wasn't able to participate. But Emma was able to, so Anh Thu dropped Papa, Ngoai, Emma, and me at the mall before she headed out for her tennis match. We left Daddy at home to study.

First, just to get it off my chest, I have to say that I am not too happy with the organization--or lack thereof. Apparently, Emma was supposed to meet up at a designated spot inside the mall unbeknownst to us (and Anh Thu and Rick). We were waiting inside Dillards in the Kids Department for the longest time wondering when the rest of the squad were going to show up. We had seen some of the others earlier so Papa went back to try to find them. He rushed back and said they were practicing out in the mall. So, we darted over with Emma and Andrew in tow just as they were finishing and heading over the Dillard's.

Well, all's well that ends well. The show was good; and the kids were great. I give them much props for being able to do some of their stunts. And Andrew behaved well for the most part considering how long we were there. Shoot, even I was getting antsy--why wouldn't he!? But Papa was sweet to watch him so I could take pictures and Ngoai could videotape it. Dillard's had an activity table set up so the kids could color and draw, which Andrew did partake in for a little while before and during the show. But I do have to commend him as he did sit nicely with Papa watching most of the performance.

Emma, we are so proud of you!! You did awesome! I had a really good time watching you do her stuff!

Unfortunately, I am not posting any video tonight because they are way too big!

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