Friday, April 23, 2010

Tennis Anyone?!

Papa and Daddy aka Uncle James arrived late last night due to a flight!! I had wanted to take Andrew to the airport to pick them up but due to the delay, it was just going to be too late. But there was a sweet little reunion this morning when the kids awoke.

Aunt Anh Thu wanted for all of us to play some tennis while we were out there. Daddy was sweet enough to watch all four kids at the park while Papa, Ngoai, Anh Thu, and Mommy hit some balls. Mommy was definitely out of practice!! After a while, Ngoai and I went over to the park to relieve Daddy...or help him out. The kids were all playing on the playscapes and in the sand. Cara, Emma, and Brennan took their shoes off--so naturally, Andrew had to follow suit.

When we walked back to the courts to head home, the kids decided they wanted to hit some balls too--so naturally, Andrew had to follow suit again. He is all about keeping up with his older cousins! It was so funny watching him run around the court! But I do hope he plays tennis like for me even if for a little bit. That and soccer like his daddy!

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